Sunday, April 10, 2011

Raindrops on Roses....

So, I have to admit something. I REALLY don't want to go back to school tomorrow after this beautiful weekend off. I guess my pit of anxiety started when I thought about the fact that my students have 2 weeks until the CRCT. I try really hard not to let this assessment stress my kids (or myself) out. However, with the new education proposals to pay teachers based on student performance, it is becoming increasingly harder to NOT get stressed out. But...this post is not about that.

A list of 100 reasons (more like gripes) about why I didn't want to get up early in the morning to go to school started running through my head. And then I started thinking...I just spent three beautiful days with the most amazing children at the beach. What do I have to gripe about? get my head out of the "Monday Blues" I decided to start thinking of my "raindrops on roses" or in simpler terms: things that make me happy. Life is just too short to complain, be bitter or dread going to work. So instead, why not make a list of things that make you happy and try to do at least one thing on that list everyday?

My list? Well, there are alot of things that bring a smile to my face so I will just name a few:

Laying in the sunshine
Making jewelry
Taking pictures
Gardening or planting flowers
Playing with my dogs and watching their little butts wiggle because they are so excited to see me
Going for a walk or run at dusk just when the temperature starts to drop
Beautiful sunsets
Making people laugh
Having a student truly appreciate something I do for them
My feet in the sand at the beach
Listening to the radio with my windows down
Night swimming during the summer
Golf cart riding
New shoes
A glass of wine with a best friend
Dinner Club with my neighbors
My family

As you can see, my list does not mention anything about sitting indoors making lesson plans or playing on a computer. So...I am going to go outside and enjoy my raindrops on roses......

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